
Bring website and traffic data from Alexa API

  • Overview
  • Available API Functions

Alexa rank is a measure of website popularity. It ranks millions of websites in order of popularity, with an Alexa Rank of 1 being the most popular.

Alexa Rank reveals how a website is doing relative to all other sites, which makes it a great KPI for benchmarking and competitive analysis.

Build your website traffic dashboard in seconds - 

Bring in Alexa Rank, website traffic and page views directly into Stackby

  • Connect your workspace with Alexa
  • Connect column to Alexa API
  • Punch in Domain URL
  • Bring Website info (like Alexa Rank, Pageviews).

Plug in your competitors URLs and see how you’re performing month on month with them and use it as a progress tracker.

Available API Functions

Alexa Web Info

Bring website traffic information

Reference Input column: Domain URL (eg.

Output: Website info (Alexa Rank, pageviews by time range etc.)

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