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Email Verification Template

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Email Verification Template
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Email verification refers to the process of confirming whether an email address is valid and active before sending the email. This is an integral aspect of email marketing campaigns and our Email Verification Templates are valuable assets in this endeavor.

Why is email verification so important?

With different marketing strategies and plans taking up most of your time, is it worth engaging your resources in email verification? The answer is yes! Email verification is an unavoidable and crucial aspect of email campaigning. Effective email verification will help you:

  • Reduce the bounce rate. A bounce occurs when the email is no longer active, invalid, or incorrect.
  • Ensure the legitimacy of the recipients of your email. Email campaigning, although important, is a process that requires hard work and resources. Hence, you want to make sure that actual potential customers are receiving the emails you sent.
  • Create a database of valid emails that can be regularly used and updated by your marketing team.
  • Eliminate spam and increase deliverability. The latter is the ability to deliver emails to the customer’s inbox properly.
  • Increase your return on investment and boost your revenue.
  • Protect your company’s reputation and information database.
  • Create and report accurate email campaigning data.
  • Enhance customer engagement and retention.

What is ZeroBounce?

ZeroBounce is an online email verification software which ensures that companies engaging in email marketing get the highest possible returns. It identifies and removes the invalid email addresses and spam domains to reduce the number of bounces and improve the deliverability of the entire email campaign. 

Using an effective email validation tool and regularly updating and checking your email list is the key to email marketing. Are you facing difficulty keeping track of the process? Well, don’t worry! With Stackby’s Free Email Verification Template, you won’t ever have to worry about sending emails to invalid addresses!

Capable of easy, no-code integrations with ZeroBounce, this email verification template is your one-stop solution to a successful email campaign! Using the free email verification template, you can:

  • Store and update your email list on a single platform. 
  • Import email verification data from ZeroBounce with a single click!
  • Track the status of each email address (Valid/ Invalid).
  • Track the domain name associated with email addresses and the corresponding domain age in days.
  • Increase email deliverability by focusing on verified emails.
  • Check and record the SMTP provider for each email (Microsoft/ G Suite/ etc.).

Stackby’s email verification template will increase your chances of getting valid responses from potential customers and will, in turn, lead to increased sales and revenue! With a verified email list, you can send out more confirmation emails, product launch emails, and promotional emails. Streamline your campaign strategy end ensure holistic growth of your company by incorporating Stackby’s Email Verification Template into your workflows.

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